Welcome to your research guide for English 9. Here you will find all the information you need for your unit on Antigone and Oedipus. Please let Ms. Ludwig know if you have any research questions!
Introduction to the project
Assigned topics in pairs:
Finalize presentations (first half of class)
Present (30 min)
Choose Greek myth
Your presentation is due on Friday, January 22 and must be between 6-8 minutes long. Your rubric is attached here.
Your presentation should include the following:
☐ Addresses your group’s overall topic
☐ Explains your group’s research question
☐ Puts your topic in historical context
(Where does it fit into Greek history?)
☐ Reference a myth that relates to your concept
Choose at least two of the following search engines OR one of the following and a book. Use the research mapping guide to record your notes.
Read the following article, then fill out the See/Think/Wonder worksheet.
The introduction to our Oedipus Cycle is an essay by Robert Bagg called "When Theater was Life: The World of Sophocles" and it might be very helpful for giving you a general idea about the importance/role of theater.